Gisela Fux Wolf
Gisela Fux Wolf (-), Dr. phil. Dipl. Psych., Psychologische_ Psychotherapeut_in in freier Praxisgemeinschaft in Berlin (kein Pronomen). *1968, Promotion zur Gesundheit lesbischer Frauen, verhaltenstherapeutische Approbation, Zusatzqualifikationen in systemischer Sexualtherapie und Traumatherapie. Aktuell in freier Praxisgemeinschaft mit den Schwerpunkten der Arbeit mit Klient_innen, die sexuellen und geschlechtlichen Minoritäten angehören, sowie der Arbeit mit Menschen mit Traumata. —edition assemblage Psychologische_ Psychotherapeut_in in independent shared praxis in Berlin (no pronoun) (* 1968) After a lot of queer activist educational work, I did research on queer issues (e.g. lesbian women’s health, health care for trans* and non-binary persons) and further psychotherapeutic training (behavioural therapy licence, additional qualifications in systemic sex therapy and trauma therapy). I currently work as a psychological psychotherapist in an independent shared praxis with eight other colleagues in Berlin/Charlottenburg. Otherwise I like to be outdoors a lot. At the moment, I am also part of a queer book collective that wants to publish texts on various alternative sexualities and gender identities in the following years. Co-writers are welcome to get in touch. —xplore berlin