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A Brush with Love

vonMazey Eddings

Anxiously awaiting news from the residency program of her dreams, dental student Harper Horowitz is laser focused. So crashing (quite literally) into Dan Craige is exactly the sort of dreamy distraction that she is trying to avoid. First-year student Dan may not have the same passion for pulling teeth that Harper does, but he's instantly smitten. When Harper makes it clear that she's not interested in trading fillings for feelings anytime soon, they set out to be 'just friends' - a plan with the best of intentions and the poorest of follow-throughs. Late nights in the dental lab (and the rather unsubtle match-making efforts of their friends), draw Dan and Harper closer. Still, Harper can't shake the worry that a romance with Dan might risk everything she's worked so hard to build. Harper may have no trouble acing her studies, but falling in love is a whole new challenge. Nine out of ten dentists agree, A Brush with Love makes your smile brighter! not scientifically proven



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Themen LoveFriendshipIdentity
StimmungLight-hearted, Romantic
Weibliche Protagonistin
HumorOccasional Humor
RomantikCentral to the Plot
Explizite SzenenSuggestive Themes


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