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A Streetcar Named Desire

vonTennessee Williams

This revised Student Edition includes an introduction by Bess Rowen, Assistant Professor at Villanova University, US, which looks in particular at the play's treatment of rape, vulnerable people, mental institutions (especially in connection to Williams's own family), sexuality and sexual desire.A Streetcar Named Desire shows a turbulent confrontation between traditional values in the American South - an old-world graciousness and beauty running decoratively to seed - set against the rough-edged, aggressive materialism of the new world. Through the vividly characterised figures of Southern belle Blanche Dubois, seeking refuge from physical ugliness in decayed gentility, and her brutal brother-in-law Stanley Kowalski, Tennessee Williams dramatises his sense of the South's past as still active and often destructive in modern America.METHUEN DRAMA STUDENT EDITIONS are expertly annotated texts of a wide range of plays from the modern and classic repertoires. A well as the complete text of the play itself, this volume contains:· A chronology of the play and the playwright’s life and work· An introductory discussion of the social, political, cultural and economic context in which the play was originally conceived and created· A succinct overview of the creation processes followed and subsequent performance history of the piece· An analysis of, and commentary on, some of the major themes and specific issues addressed by the text· A bibliography of suggested primary and secondary materials for further study



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Themen Social classTragedyFamily dynamicsSouthern belleImmoralityMasculinityMental healthDesireBetrayalIllusion vs realityIdentitySurvivalMadnessSocial Class
StimmungTragic, Melancholic
Weibliche Protagonistin
RomantikMajor Subplot
Explizite SzenenSuggestive Themes


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