Between the Lines
vonSamantha van Leer
Genres: JugendbuchFantasy
An enchanting YA novel from Number One bestselling author Jodi Picoult, co-written with her teenage daughter. Delilah knows it's weird, but she can't stop reading her favourite fairy tale. Other girls her age are dating and cheerleading. But then, other girls are popular. She loves the comfort of the happy ending, and knowing there will be no surprises. Until she gets the biggest surprise of all, when Prince Oliver looks out from the page and speaks to her. Now Delilah must decide: will she do as Oliver asks, and help him to break out of the book? Or is this her chance to escape into happily ever after? Read between the lines for total enchantment . . .
Published on
Themen LoveIdentityFriendship
StimmungHopeful, Romantic
HumorOccasional Humor
RomantikCentral to the Plot
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