Crooked House
vonAgatha Christie
Subenres: Detektivgeschichten
‘Poisoning of aged iniquitous anglicised Levantine millionaire. Nicely characterised family of suspects. Delicious red herrings. Infinite suspense and shocking surprise finish make up for slight looseness of texture.’ - Maurice Richardson, The Observer, 1949 The death of wealthy family patriarch and entrepreneur Aristide Leonides leads Charles Hayward, fiancé to Leonides’ granddaughter Sophia, into investigating the truth behind his demise. But even with help from the Assistant Commissioner of Scotland Yard – a man who just happens to be Charles’s father – will he be able to avoid the red herrings that fall his way? A typically brilliant assembly of characters will keep the reader guessing until Agatha Christie’s masterful dénouement in the pages of Crooked House. Recently adapted for television by French director Gilles Paquet-Brenner, since its publication Christie’s tale of family intrigue has captured the imagination of multiple generations of readers, most blindsided by the author’s typical sleight of hand. Agatha Christie herself deemed it one of her favourite novels.
Published on
Themen FamilyBetrayalJustice
StimmungSuspenseful, Mysterious
RomantikMinor Subplot
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