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Dear Wife

vonKimberly Belle

From the bestselling author of The Marriage Lie comes a riveting new novel of suspense about a woman who must decide just how far she’ll go to escape the person she once loved Beth Murphy is on the run… For nearly a year, Beth has been planning for her escape. She's thought through everything -- a new look, new name and new city -- because one small slip and her husband will find her. Sabine Hardison is missing… A couple hundred miles away, Jeffrey returns home from a work trip to find his wife, Sabine, is missing. Wherever she is, she’s taken almost nothing with her. Her abandoned car is the only evidence the police have, and all signs point to foul play. As the police search for leads, the case becomes more and more convoluted. Sabine’s carefully laid plans for her future indicate trouble at home, and a husband who would be better off with her gone. But are things really as clear cut as they seem? Where is Sabine? And who is Beth? The only thing that’s certain is that someone is lying and the truth won’t stay buried for long. Don't miss Kimberly Belle's newest novel, My Darling Husband!



Published on





Kindle Edition



Themen SurvivalBetrayalJustice
StimmungSuspenseful, Mysterious
Weibliche Protagonistin
RomantikMinor Subplot


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