Guide to Creating Comic in 3-D
vonKate Howard, Dav Pilkey
Genres: HumorGraphic Novels
Dog Man -- from the #1 New York Times bestselling series from Dav Pilkey -- comes to life in this cool 3-D book! George and Harold know a LOT about making comic books. (Remember their Captain Underpants comics?) But before they told you that story, first they told you the story of Dog Man -- part dog, part man, and all cop! Want to know how George and Harold come up with hilarious heroes like Dog Man and Li'l Petey and Chief? And how do they think up such wretched villains, like Petey and Piggy and Philly? Now's your chance to find out! The boys will give step-by-step instructions on how to draw some of their best Dog Man characters. Plus, get advice on how to create your own funny comic-book characters -- and bring them to life in 3-D! This book is packed with 3-D glasses; a write-on, wipe-off pen; a drawing pad; and over 30 stickers from the New York Times bestselling series!
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HumorOccasional Humor
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