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Guy's Girl

vonEmma Noyes

Genres: Liebesroman
The boy who couldn’t love and the girl who wouldn’t. Ginny Murphy is a total guy’s girl. She’s always found friendships with boys easier to form and keep drama-free – as long as they don’t fall for her, and she doesn’t fall for them. She and her best guy friends have stuck to that. But then she meets Adrian Silvas, the only one who’s ever made her crave more, and Ginny begins to question her own rules. Piece by piece, Ginny and Adrian begin to fall into something intoxicating, something dangerous. Ginny threatens to destroy the belief Adrian's held ever since witnessing his own mother’s heartbreak: that love isn’t worth the risk. For Ginny, the stakes could be even higher. Letting Adrian get close could mean exposing a secret she’s long protected: her disordered eating. Ginny isn’t looking to be saved by someone. But maybe she and Adrian can help each other – if they don’t destroy each other first. Heartfelt and evocative, Guy's Girl is a powerful story about true love, self-love, and growing up.



Published on








Themen LoveSelf-LoveComing of Age
StimmungEmotional, Atmospheric
Weibliche Protagonistin
RomantikCentral to the Plot
Explizite SzenenSuggestive Themes


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