Cover of the book Heroes of Olympus 03 The Mark of Athena
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Heroes of Olympus 03 The Mark of Athena

vonRick Riordan

The third book in the bestselling spin off series from Percy Jackson and the Olympians - now a major Disney+ series! ONE FATAL PROPHECY. SEVEN BRAVE DEMIGODS. A QUEST TO FIND - AND CLOSE - THE DOORS OF DEATH. Annabeth felt as if someone had draped a cold washcloth across her neck. She heard that whispering laughter again, as if the presence had followed her from the ship. She looked up at the Argo II. Its massive bronze hull glittered in the sunlight. Part of her wanted to kidnap Percy right now, get on board and get out of here while they still could. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to go terribly wrong. She couldn't risk losing Percy again. Return to the World of Percy Jackson in the best-selling, brand-new adventure featuring the original hero in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Chalice of the Gods - out now! And don't miss the trio's next adventure in Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Wrath of the Triple Goddess, coming soon!



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Themen Greek mythologyProphecyFriendshipLeadershipQuestWarSacrificeDemigodsGods and goddessesLoyaltySurvivalIdentity
StimmungSuspenseful, Humorous
Weibliche Protagonistin
HumorOccasional Humor
RomantikMinor Subplot


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