Instructions for Dancing
vonNicola Yoon
Subenres: Moderne Liebesdilemmata
Evie is disillusioned about love ever since her dad left her mum for another woman - she's even throwing out her beloved romance novel collection. When she's given a copy of a book called Instructions for Dancing, and follows a note inside to a dilapidated dance studio, she discovers she has a strange and unwelcome gift. When a couple kisses in front of her, she can see their whole relationship play out - from the moment they first catch each other's eye to the last bitter moments of their break-up. For Evie, it confirms everything she thinks she knows about love - that it doesn't last. But at the dance studio she meets X - tall, dreadlocked, fascinating - and they start to learn to dance, together. Can X help break the spell that Evie is under? Can he change Evie's mind about love?
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Themen LoveIdentityChange and Transformation
StimmungHopeful, Romantic
Weibliche Protagonistin
RomantikCentral to the Plot
Explizite SzenenSuggestive Themes
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