Lost in London
vonCindy Callaghan
Genres: Jugendbuch
Subenres: Schuldramen
A tween's foreign exchange experience lands her in London luxuryand some hot water as well! Twelve-year-old Jordan isn't unhappy, but she's definitely bored. So when she gets the chance to take part in a London exchange program, she's thrilled to ditch her small town in Delaware and see the world across the pond. Unfortunately, Jordan's host sister in London, Caroline, isn't exactly enthusiastic about entertaining an American girl. Despite the chilly welcome, Jordan finds herself loving the city and Caroline's group of friends, who are much nicer than Caroline herself. And then a major misstep leaves Jordan and Caroline trapped together overnightinside Daphne's, the world's largest department store. Given they have complete access to all the fancy shoes, designer dresses, and coolest makeup around, there are worse places to be stuck. But when the girls' fun has not-so-fun consequences, Jordan's wish for excitement abroad turns into a lot more than she ever bargained for...
Published on
Kindle Edition
Themen FriendshipNew Experience
Weibliche Protagonistin
HumorOccasional Humor
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