Cover of the book Luck of the Draw (Rockin' Rodeo Series, #1)
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Luck of the Draw (Rockin' Rodeo Series, #1)

vonVicki Tharp

Genres: Liebesroman
Bull riding isn't for the weak. Neither is love. Bull rider Silas Foss has a simple plan: Win big. Buy land. Start roughstock ranch. Before the bulls break him or bury him. With Josephine's eye on barrel racing's top prize, she's sworn off men for the long season. Besides, she's too young to settle down. She wants to chase cans, not kids. With the end of the season near, her dream within her grasp, Josephine lets her guard down for a charming, persistent cowboy with his sights set on her. When a crisis back home could force her off the circuit permanently, all she and Silas have is here and now. Then everything that is right goes wrong. Riders are injured. Lives are in danger. Is the season cursed or sabotaged? Can Silas and Josephine come together and protect their rodeo family? Or will distance, duty, and dreams tear them apart? Same amazing story. Bold new look.







Themen LoveAmbitionFamily
StimmungRomantic, Suspenseful
Weibliche Protagonistin
RomantikCentral to the Plot
Explizite SzenenSuggestive Themes


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