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Nobody Will Tell You This But Me

vonBess Kalb

Subenres: Memoiren
I HAVE NOT BEEN AS PROFOUNDLY MOVED BY A BOOK IN YEARS' JODI PICOULTI LOVED THIS BOOK MORE THAN I CAN SAY' NIGELLA LAWSONTHE PERFECT GIFT FOR MOTHER'S DAYBess Kalb has saved every voicemail message her grandmother Bobby - her best friend, her confidante - ever left her until the day she died.In this vivid memoir, Bobby's voice is still in Bess's head. Stubborn, glamorous, larger than life, she gives Bess advice on everything from lipsticks to life partners and tells the history that made them both. These are the truths - full of devotion, killer instincts and hard-won wisdom - that grandmothers gift us even when they hurt, and even once they're gone.'I CRIED TWICE . . . I DELIGHTED IN BOBBY'S JOY' MIRANDA POPKEY, NEW YORK TIMES'BITTERSWEET' OBSERVER 'UNIQUE' EMMA GANNON, RED 'SPARKLING' DAILY MAIL



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Themen FamilyLoveIdentity
StimmungBittersweet, Hopeful
Weibliche Protagonistin
HumorOccasional Humor


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