Subenres: Dark Romance
"Livy notices him the moment he walks into the coffee shop. He's heart-stoppingly stunning, with a blue-eyed gaze so piercing she's almost too distracted to take his order. When he walks out the door, she thinks she'll never see him again. Then she finds the note he left on his napkin--signed M. All he wants is one night to worship her. No feelings, no commitment, nothing but pleasure"--Page 4 of cover. Livy notices him the moment he walks into the coffee shop. He's heart-stoppingly stunning, with a blue-eyed gaze so piercing she's almost too distracted to take his order. When he walks out the door, she thinks she'll never see him again. Then she finds the note he left on his napkin... signed M. All he wants is one night to worship her. No feelings, no commitment, nothing but pleasure. He's passionate but emotionless. To have him, body and soul, she'll have to brave his dark secrets.... an obsession that could shatter her heart beyond repair....
Published on
Themen LoveDesireObsession
StimmungRomantic, Tense
Weibliche Protagonistin
RomantikCentral to the Plot
Explizite SzenenExplicit Scenes
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