Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
vonMildred D. Taylor
Subenres: Historische Expeditionen
Rebel Voices is a new six-part Puffin Classics collection of strikingly designed, highly collectible books, written by female authors, and celebrating courage, rebellion, strength and inspiration.There are things you can't back down on, things you gotta take a stand on. But it's up to you to decide what them things are.Cassie Logan can't understand why her father is so proud of his land and farming his own crops. Her family refuses to sell their fields to a local man despite persistent pressure to do so, but for her parents the land is a symbol of sanctuary.Over the course of a year, Cassie must learn about standing up for what's right and picking your battles whilst she and her family navigate racism in its various forms; from the 'night riders' that terrorise her community, to the everyday prejudice that permeates life in 1930s Mississippi.Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is a powerful story of family, self-respect and strength, set against the turbulent backdrop of the Jim Crow South.Rebel Voices is a new six-part Puffin Classics collection of strikingly designed, highly collectible books, written by female authors, and celebrating courage, rebellion, strength and inspiration
Published on
Themen FamilyRacismSurvival
StimmungReflective, Hopeful
Weibliche Protagonistin
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