The Best American Short Stories 2017
vonMeg Wolitzer, Heidi Pitlor
Genres: Krimi
Best-selling author Meg Wolitzer guest edits the premier annual showcase for the country's finest short fiction. “If you know exactly what you are going to get from the experience of reading a story, you probably wouldn’t go looking for it; you need, in order to be an open reader of fiction, to be willing. To cast a vote for what you love and then wait for the outcome;” writes Meg Wolitzer in her introduction. The Best American Short Stories 2017 casts a vote for and celebrates all that is our country. Here you’ll find a man with a boyfriend and a girlfriend, naval officers trapped on a submarine, a contestant on America’s Funniest Home Videos, and a gay man desperate to be a father—unforgettable characters waiting for an outcome, burning with stories to tell. The Best American Short Stories 2017 includes T. C. BOYLE • JAI CHAKRABARTI • EMMA CLINE • DANIELLE EVANS • LAUREN GROFF • ERIC PUCHNER • JIM SHEPARD • CURTIS SITTENFELD • JESS WALTER and others
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