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The Lies I Tell

vonJulie Clark

Genres: Thriller
Subenres: Spionage
Meg Varnum. Maggie Littleton. Meg Upton. Different names for the same person, depending on the town, depending on the job. I'm not a con artist as much as an avenger. A righter of wrongs. But nothing about me is real, other than my desire to hold men like you accountable for the things you've done. I don't break any laws, and what I take is given willingly. I can't be blamed for how easy it is to manipulate you. It's a discipline involving confidence, cleverness, and deception. And now, I'm about to work my final trick . . . this time under my real name. Because when it's done, I want you to know who I am and remember what you did to me. Combining blistering pace with brilliant female characters, this is the unforgettable new thriller from the author of the international bestseller and number one ebook bestseller The Flight, called 'absolutely sensational!' by Jo Spain.







Weibliche Protagonistin


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