The Raven Prince (Warner Forever)
vonElizabeth Hoyt
Genres: Historische RomaneLiebesroman
Widowed Anna Wren is having a wretched day. After an arrogant man on horseback nearly crushes her, she arrives home to learn that she is in dire financial straits. THERE COMES A TIME IN A LADY'S LIFE The Earl of Swartingham is in a quandary. Having frightened off two secretaries, Edward de Raaf needs someone who can withstand his bad temper and boorish behavior. WHEN SHE MUST DO THE UNTHINKABLE . . . When Anna becomes the earl's secretary, it would seem that both their problems are solved. But when she discovers he plans to visit the most notorious brothel in London, she sees red-and decides to assuage her desires . . .
Published on
Mass Market Paperback
Themen LoveIdentityPower
StimmungRomantic, Hopeful
Weibliche Protagonistin
HumorOccasional Humor
RomantikCentral to the Plot
Explizite SzenenSuggestive Themes
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