Under The Tuscan Sun
vonFrances Mayes
Subenres: Kreative Sachbücher
Discover the New York Times bestseller that inspired the film. The perfect read for anyone seeking an escape to the Italian countryside.When Frances Mayes – poet, gourmet cook and travel writer – buys an abandoned villa in Tuscany, she has no idea of the scale of the project she is embarking on.In this enchanting memoir she takes the reader on a journey to restore a crumbling villa and build a new life in the Italian countryside, navigating hilarious cultural misunderstandings, legal frustrations and the challenges of renovating a house that seems determined to remain a ruin. Filled with evocative landscapes, delicious recipes and colourful characters, Under the Tuscan Sun is a book to savour. It’s a love letter to Tuscany, good food, and the joys of starting over. "What makes it special is the sustained note of joy in it; joy in the beauty of the Tuscan countryside, the sights and sounds of daily life, the physical labour involved in the restoration of this 200-year-old villa and the five acres of land that go with it" SUNDAY TIMES
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Themen Mœurs et coutumesCookingDescription and travelCuisine italienneSocial life and customsItalian cookeryItalianTuscany (italy)RomanceManners and customsTravelIdentityFreedomCourage
StimmungHopeful, Reflective
Weibliche Protagonistin
HumorOccasional Humor
RomantikMinor Subplot
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