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vonBrian Lumley

Genres: Horror
Subenres: Okkulter Horror
Only Harry Keogh, prisoner of the metaphysical Mobius Continuum, can stop the vampire Yulian Bodescu. Harry Keogh is a necroscope – he knows the thoughts of corpses in their graves. Unfortunately for Harry, his talent works both ways.Death is not the end of life, Harry Keogh discovered – and not the end of his battle against the terrible evil of vampires.In a secluded English village, Yulian Bodescu plots his takeover of the world. Imbued with a vampire's powers before his birth, Bodescu rules men's minds and bodies with supernatural ease. He is secretly creating an army of vampiric monsters, things that once were men but were now walking masses of destructive hunger!Harry Keogh, Necroscope, thought that the war with the vampires had ended with the destruction of Boris Dragosani – and of Harry's body! But the man who talks to the dead lives on, more powerful than ever, able to transport himself instantly to any spot on the globe and to speak mind-to-mind with both the living and the dead.Are Harry's new powers enough to defeat Yulian Bodescu and his legion of monsters–or will the vampire army overrun the living earth?



Published on








Themen SurvivalFriendshipHuman Nature
StimmungSuspenseful, Dark


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