Cover of the book Wild at Heart
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Wild at Heart

vonK. A. Tucker

Genres: Liebesroman
From the internationally best-selling author of The Simple Wild comes the continuation of a woman's journey to Alaska and a life she never imagined for herself. Calla Fletcher returns to Toronto a different person, struggling to find direction and still very much in love with the rugged bush pilot she left behind. When he unexpectedly makes a proposition she can't dismiss, Calla rushes back to Alaska to begin her future with Jonah. But she soon learns that even the best intentions can lead to broken promises: Jonah is gone more than he's home, and Calla feels isolated in their rural log cabin with harsh conditions that stretch far beyond the cold, dark, winter months. It's not the life Calla imagined for herself - but is it a life Calla can learn to love? Or is she destined to follow in her mother's fleeing footsteps after all?







Themen LoveIdentityChange and Transformation
StimmungHopeful, Romantic
Weibliche Protagonistin
RomantikCentral to the Plot
Explizite SzenenSuggestive Themes


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