Attack of the Theater People
byMarc Acito
Genres: Historical fiction
In praising 'the witty high school romp” How I Paid for College, the New York Times Book Review said, it 'makes you hope there's a lot more where this came from.” There is. In this hilarious sequel Attack of the Theater People, Edward Zanni and his merry crew of high school musical-comedy miscreants move to the magical wonderland that is Manhattan. It is 1986, and aspiring actor Edward Zanni has been kicked out of drama school for being 'too jazz hands for Juilliard.” Mortified, Edward heads out into the urban jungle of eighties New York City and finally lands a job as a 'party motivator” who gets thirteen-year-olds to dance at bar mitzvahs and charms businesspeople as a 'stealth guest” at corporate events. When he accidentally gets caught up in insider trading with a handsome stockbroker named Chad, only the help of his crew from How I Paid for College can rescue him from a stretch in Club Fed. Laced with the inspired zaniness of classic American musical comedy, Attack of the Theater People matches the big hair of the eighties with an even bigger heart.
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Who is this book for? Readers who enjoy humorous coming-of-age stories set in the 1980s.
Topics HumorComing of Age
HumorOccasional Humor
RomanceMinor Subplot
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