byP. C. Cast, Kristin Cast
Genres: Young AdultFantasy
Subenres: Dark FantasyParanormal Fantasy
'My soul's been shattered and my boyfriend's been killed. Don't I deserve a break? Just a little one?' Zoey is alive and stronger than ever, being cared for by her new Guardian, and finally finding some peace far from the ongoing battle against Neferet. But in her brief moment of happiness, it's easy to forget that the House of Night needs her, as do her friends. In Zoey's absence, Stevie Rae has found her feelings for the Raven Mocker Rephaim are stronger than she ever could have expected, even while he still admits loyalty to their sworn enemy. Then a terrible murder threatens to destroy their group and tear their world apart - and that death will not be the last...
Who is this book for? Readers who enjoy fantasy with strong character development and themes of love and loss.
Topics VampiresHigh priestessRelationshipsSecretsSupernatural bondsLossLoyaltyStrugglesTeenage dramaForbidden loveLoveLoss and GriefFriendship
Female protagonist
RomanceMajor Subplot
Explicit scenesSuggestive Themes
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