Convenience Store Woman
bySayaka Murata
Genres: Fiction
Subenres: Quirky Small-Town Tales
Keiko has never really fitted in. At school and university people find her odd and her family worries she'll never be normal. To appease them, Keiko takes a job at a newly opened convenience store. Here, she finds peace and purpose in the simple, daily tasks and routine interactions. She is, she comes to understand, happiest as a convenience store worker. But in Keiko's social circle it just won't do for an unmarried woman to spend all her time stacking shelves and re-ordering green tea. As pressure mounts on Keiko to find either a new job, or worse, a husband, she is forced to take desperate action... A best-seller in Japan, and the winner of the prestigious Akutagawa Prize, Convenience Store Woman marks the English-language debut of a writer who has been hailed as the most exciting voice of her generation. Cover design may vary. Convenience Store Woman comes in three different colours.
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Who is this book for? Readers interested in contemporary social issues and character-driven narratives.
Topics ConformitySocial life and customsMan-woman relationships
MoodLight-hearted, Reflective
Female protagonist
HumorOccasional Humor
RomanceMinor Subplot
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