Eleanor Roosevelt: In Her Words
byNancy Woloch
Genres: Feminism
Subenres: Feminist Icons
'This illustrated, first of its kind collection of excerpts from Eleanor Roosevelt's newspaper columns, radio talks, speeches, and correspondence speaks directly to the challenges we face today. Acclaimed for her roles in politics and diplomacy, first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was also a prolific author, journalist, lecturer, broadcaster, educator, and public personality. Using excerpts from her books, columns, articles, press conferences, speeches, radio talks, and correspondence, Eleanor Roosevelt: In Her Words tracks her contributions from the 1920s, when she entered journalism and public life; through the White House years, when she campaigned for racial justice, the labor movement, and 'the forgotten woman;' to the postwar era, when she served at the United Nations and shaped the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Selections touch on Roosevelt's early entries in women's magazines ('Ten Rules for Success in Marriage'), her insights on women in politics ('Women Must Learn to Play the Game As Men Do'), her commentary on World War II ('What We Are Fighting For'), her work for civil rights ('The Four Equalities'), her clash with Soviet delegates at the UN ('These Same Old Stale Charges'), and her advice literature ('If You Ask Me'). Surprises include her unique preparation for leadership, the skill with which she defied critics and grasped authority, her competitive stance as a professional, and the force of her political messages to modern readers. Scorning the 'America First' mindset, Eleanor Roosevelt underlined the interdependence of people and of nations. Eleanor Roosevelt: In Her Words illuminates her achievement as a champion of civil rights, human rights, and democratic ideals'--
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Who is this book for? Readers interested in feminism, civil rights, and historical biographies.
Topics Civil RightsHuman RightsDemocratic Ideals
Female protagonist
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