Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane
bySuzanne Collins
Subenres: Epic Quests
The second in a gripping young fantasy series from the authorof THE HUNGER GAMES, re-issued with a striking newly-designedcover.Spies have reported the sighting of a Rat King inthe Underland, a character who has been legendary since the MiddleAges. Recognizable by its tremendous size and snow-white coat,the Rat King is destined to bring war to the Underland.Butwhen Gregor eventually comes face to face with the Rat King, hefinds he is unable to kill him. Gregor's heart tells him he's makingthe right decision. Will it be one he lives to regret?
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Who is this book for? Readers who enjoy fantasy adventures with strong themes of friendship and family.
Topics FriendshipFamilySurvival
MoodSuspenseful, Hopeful
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