Subenres: Epic Quests
In this exciting second installment of the three-book series, Carter and Sadie, offspring of the brilliant Egyptologist Dr. Julius Kane, embark on a worldwide search for the Book of Ra, but the House of Life and the gods of chaos are determined to stop them. This non-stop thrill ride is adapted and brought to life by Orpheus Collar, who developed the first Kane Chronicles graphic novel and worked on The Lightning Thief; The Graphic Novel; The Lost Hero, The Graphic Novel; and many other titles including The Amazing Spider-Man and Ultimate X-Men.
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Who is this book for? Readers who enjoy adventure stories with mythical elements and graphic novel adaptations.
Topics Battle against chaosMagic and spellsQuest for ancient artifactsGraphic novel adaptationWorldwide adventureEgyptian mythologySibling adventuresFamily legacyGods and goddessesSecret societiesFriendshipSurvivalIdentity
MoodSuspenseful, Hopeful
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