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The Queen of the Damned

byAnne Rice

Carica Egipta, Mat' vsekh vampirov, probudilas' nakonec ot shestitysyacheletnego sna. Ee mechta - spasti chelovechestvo i carstvovat' vmeste s vampirom Lestatom v novom, postroennom po vampirskim zakonam mire. No razve pervorodnoe zlo sposobno sozdat' krasotu i garmoniyu? Mogushchestvennye Deti Tysyacheletij dolzhny reshit' slozhnejshuyu iz problem: najti sposob protivostoyat' Carice Proklyatyh, otomstit' ej za te stradaniya, kotorye ona prichinila mnogim, - protivostoyat' i pri etom vyzhit', potomu chto ee unichtozhenie grozit gibel'yu vsemu vampirskomu rodu. Pervyj roman pisatel'nicy, «Interv'yu s vampirom», otkryvshij cikl «Vampirskie hroniki», stal nastoyashchim sobytiem v mire literatury. Svoim poyavleniem v 1973 godu on predvoskhitil znamenitye «Sumerki» Stefani Majer, a fil'm 1994 goda s Tomom Kruzom, Bredom Pittom i Antonio Banderasom v glavnyh rolyah prines knige eshche bol'shuyu populyarnost'. Obshchij ee tirazh prevysil rekordnye 15 millionov ekzemplyarov, eto edva li ne samaya prodavaemaya iz knig sovremennyh avtorov v istorii knizhnoj torgovli.



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Who is this book for? Readers who enjoy dark fantasy, horror, and complex character-driven narratives.

Topics Vampire mythologyAncient originsPower strugglesProphecyImmortalitySupernatural beingsMythical creaturesDestinyLove and obsessionApocalyptic visionsLoveSurvivalIdentity
MoodSuspenseful, Dark
RomanceMajor Subplot
Explicit scenesSuggestive Themes

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