The Story Of An Hour
byKate Chopin
Genres: Fiction
Subenres: Life-Rediscovery Journeys
Mrs. Louise Mallard, afflicted with a heart condition, reflects on the death of her husband from the safety of her locked room. Originally published in Vogue magazine, 'The Story of an Hour' was retitled as 'The Dream of an Hour,' when it was published amid much controversy under its new title a year later in St. Louis Life. 'The Story of an Hour' was adapted to film in The Joy That Kills by director Tina Rathbone, which was part of a PBS anthology called American Playhouse. HarperPerennial Classics brings great works of literature to life in digital format, upholding the highest standards in ebook production and celebrating reading in all its forms. Look for more titles in the HarperPerennial Classics collection to build your digital library.
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Who is this book for? Readers interested in feminist literature and short stories that explore complex emotional themes.
Topics IdentityFreedom
Female protagonist
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