We Don't Know What We're Doing
byThomas Morris
Genres: Fiction
Subenres: Quirky Small-Town Tales
A young video shop assistant exchanges the home comforts of one mother-figure for a fleeting encounter with another; a brother and sister find themselves at the bottom of a coal mine with a Japanese tourist; a Welsh stag on a debauched weekend in Dublin confesses an unimaginable truth; and a twice-widowed pensioner tries to persuade the lovely Mrs Morgan to be his date at the town's summer festival... Set in Caerphilly, a sleepy castle town in South Wales, Thomas Morris' debut collection reveals its treasures in unexpected ways, offering vivid and moving glimpses of the lost, lonely and bemused. By turns poignant, witty, and tender - these entertaining stories detail the lives of people who know where they are, but don't know what they're doing. This is the work of a young writer with a startlingly fresh voice, an uncanny ear for dialogue and a broad emotional range. We Don't Know What We're Doing is a major launch for the Faber fiction list in 2015.
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Who is this book for? Readers who enjoy character-driven stories with emotional depth and a touch of humor.
Topics IdentityFriendshipIsolation
HumorOccasional Humor
RomanceMinor Subplot
Explicit scenesSuggestive Themes
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