The Madness of Crowds
vonDouglas Murray
Genres: SoziologiePolitik
Subenres: Soziale Gerechtigkeit
Updated with a new afterword by the author Are we living through the great derangement of our times? In The Madness of Crowds Douglas Murray investigates the dangers of 'woke' culture and the rise of identity politics. In lively, razor-sharp prose he examines the most controversial issues of our moment: sexuality, gender, technology and race, with interludes on the Marxist foundations of 'wokeness', the impact of tech and how, in an increasingly online culture, we must relearn the ability to forgive. One of the few writers who dares to counter the prevailing view and question the dramatic changes in our society - from gender reassignment for children to the impact of transgender rights on women - Murray's penetrating book, now published with a new afterword taking account of the book's reception and responding to the worldwide Black Lives Matter protests, clears a path of sanity through the fog of our modern predicament.
Published on
Themen Online cultureGender reassignmentGender issuesWoke culturePolitical correctnessCollective behaviorSocial justiceIdentity politicsTechnology impactFreedom of speechIdentityPowerFreedom
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