byNeil Gaiman
From the pages of Newbery Medal winner Neil Gaiman's The Sandmancomes fan-favorite character Death in a collection of her solo adventures!The first story introduces the young, pale, perky, and genuinely likable Death.One day in every century, Death walks the Earth to better understand those towhom she will be the final visitor. Today is that day. As a young mortal girlnamed Didi, Death befriends a teenager and helps a 250-year old homeless womanfind her missing heart. What follows is a sincere musing on love, life, and (ofcourse) death. In the second story, a rising star of the music world wrestleswith revealing her true sexual orientation just as her lover is lured into therealm of Death that Death herself should make an appearance. A practical,honest, and intelligent story that illuminates "the miracle of death." Plus,Death's first appearance from The Sandman series, her tale fromSandman: Endless Nights, and much more!
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Who is this book for? Readers who enjoy graphic novels with deep themes and character exploration.
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