Genres: Self HelpNonfiction
Subenres: Holistic HealthPsychological Well-being
Togetherness, Money, Health, Freedom, Trust and Kindness. These are the six foundations of Lykke, the ‘story of optimism and hope’ from Meik Wiking, the author of 2016’s breakaway hit The Little Book of Hygge. Hygge – now defined by the OED as “A quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture)” – swept the world’s imagination with its depiction of simple, accessible happiness. Now The Book of Lykke takes that concept one step further, shifting its focus away from Denmark and taking in the entire world. From his base at Copenhagen’s Happiness Research Institute, Wiking has ceaselessly scoured the globe for tales of other people’s bliss, amassing practical examples that can be followed by all. Examining everything from how much money genuinely makes us happy, to how we cook, spend time with friends and family and how assuming control over your life exponentially increases your fulfilment. Wherever you are, whatever you do, get ready to live life by Lykke.
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Who is this book for? Readers interested in self-improvement and happiness.
Topics ContentmentHappinessQuality of lifeSelf-realization
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